420E Electrolysis Arrestor
If you are on this website, reading this information, then you have most likely had a negative experience with electrolysis. By far the number one question that is asked is "HOW DOES THE ARRESTOR WORK?" It's a very simple question, and yet it is a complex answer. Starting with the basics, the Arrestor is a coolant supplement that is added to a clean cooling system in a 50% Glycol solution. Even though it can be added when there are no corrosion or contamination problems, it really is intended and formulated for a cooling system suffering from repeated aluminum heat exchanger failure. Lets explore the product claims of 420E Arrestor and get a better understanding of how it works.
Suppresses, reduces and eliminates Type B electrolysis If you have Type B electrolysis, your exposed aluminum cooling system parts are donating electrons at the surfaces exposed to the antifreeze. By adding a protective chemical layer to the metal parts, the electron movement is inhibited, literally giving us a layer of protection. 420E gives us that protective layer.
Easy to install Just pour it in. It is never to late to use it, but the sooner it is inside the sooner the protection will start.
Can be used as a prevention additive It has been demonstrated (in fleet studies on public service vehicles) that the addition of 420E Arrestor on a regular maintenance basis reduces aluminum failures to near zero. These vehicles that once had regular aluminum failures are having virtually no failures that are attributable to metal failure.
Helps keep antifreeze clean A cooling system that has the Arrestor will be influenced by Sodium Hydroxide. Acting as both a cleaner and pH buffer, the Arrestor gives a chemical layer of protection that isn't found in antifreeze.
Keeps working for 2 years Just as with antifreeze, the Arrestor should be renewed after 2 years as it becomes less effective with time. New antifreeze and Arrestor every 2 years. Easy.
Controls pH Sodium Hydroxide in light concentrations works to add a pH buffering as well as keeping a cooling system clean. In heavier concentrations Sodium Hydroxide is well known for it's cleaning/scrubbing abilities.
Can be used alone, or as part of a process While the Arrestor is formulated specifically for cooling systems under attack from electrolysis and is often used as an important weapon in the arsenal, it also provides prevention and protection as an antifreeze supplement.
Quickly "plates up" exposed metals An extremly important characteristic of 420E is the the ability to "plate up" exposed metals surfaces. The plating happens very quickly, and is not degraded by the temperatures found in the automotive cooling system. When a new cooling system component (radiator or heater) is installed, it has no protection and is often the most at risk for repeat failure. It is this very reason we see repeated failure of the same component: ie a heater is leaking and replaced every 6 months.
Contains Tolytriazole & Sodium Hydroxide Here is the magic. Tolytriazole provides a wonderful benefit when added to a cooling system: It remains soluble while circulating, upon contact with metals it then attaches itself to them in a very thin film. The net effect is a protective layer between the metals and the coolant mixture. This layer disallows the surface electrons from the aluminum to ionize the coolant. TolyT is widely used in heavy industrial applications like electrical generating plants, and it's uses and benefits are widely known. Sodium Hydroxide in small concentrations is used as a pH buffer, and in higher concentrations as an industrial cleaner. Sodium Hydroxide is also commonly known on the street as Lye.
The Arrestor
Everything You Need To Know